Interesting External Articles & References

The United States Council of Catholic Bishops Liturgy Calendar for 2024

The pilgrims didn’t invite Native Americans to a feast. Why the Thanksgiving myth matters. ( – Says tension turned into a feast. Of course given the numerous conflicting perspectives on that day we will probably never know the whole truth.  But no matter what happened it is good for a nation and its government to support a National Holiday of Thanksgiving and even better when the same honors our Creator God in so doing.

Who Founded Chicago? | Britannica

Rate of births to white single moms accelerates – WHYY

Christian teacher loses job over refusal to teach LGBT+ studies (

Teacher in trans row at C of E school loses appeal (

Montana man gets 18 months in prison for racist phone calls to Black woman employed at church ( – Interesting article that shows racism yet exists rooted in deep seated learned animosity toward blacks; yet, also shows the nation’s response to racism has greatly improved in favor of blacks.

More states expect schools to keep trans girls off girls teams as K-12 classes resume (

Pope says Church open to everyone, including LGBT people, but has rules | Reuters

Is the United States a racist country? | Brookings

Red, Blue,  and Purple (Swing, Battleground) States Politically Speaking

Why Calling Slaves ‘Workers’ Is More Than An Editing Error — should have used the word slaves instead of workers to emphasize slavery as oppose to work though slavery was a matter of free labor, also known as free work

Gun Violence

Some 50 libraries reject Kirk Cameron Story Hour For His Faith-based Kids Book — relatively small number across USA yet very telling about America present day intense moral decline

Gender Identity Debate

Economic Class More Problematic Than White Privilege?

Jefferson County Alabama (Black) Judge Election 2022

Supreme Court declines to block elite high school’s new admissions policy

Precept Upon Precept Bible Study (Isaiah Warns?)

Calculating Jesus Date of Birth

– Conclusion is no one knows but is an interesting discussion especially on the three calendars including when British and pre-USA Colonies began to use the Gregorian Calendar

Statement On Social Justice and the Gospel – I find this good and biblical except for Items VIII and XIV entitled “The Church” and “Racism”, respectively for these are malformed and misinformed with respect to the integration (integral participation) with society so as to influence political/social justice for the gospel includes both getting saved and living the saved life and influential participation in society is an important element of living the saved life.

In VIII the first denial statement should be changed to read as follows:
WE DENY that political or social activism should be viewed as primary to the mission of the church; yet, we also DENY that such activities are not an integral component of the gospel for the gospel is about both getting saved and living saved. Believers can and should utilize all lawful means that God has providentially established to have some effect on the laws of a society for such is evidence of saving faith and constitutes a non-primary but secondary central part of the church’s mission given to her by Jesus Christ, her head. We deny that laws or regulations possess any inherent power to change sinful hearts.

In XIV the last sentence should be deleted and the period ending the next to last should be replaced with an semicolon and the following inserted: yet, we emphatically deny that the preaching/teaching against racism and social injustice is not inportant in our churches as exemplified by Jesus teaching on loving thy neighbor (Matthew 22:34-40) and James 2 preaching/teaching against partiality.

USAFacts – School Choice Explained

Harvard’s atheist chaplain: It’s another sign of America’s growing secularism 

In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905) Supreme Court Rules Requiring Smallpox Vaccine Does Not Violate Religious Liberty Clause of 1st Amendment

CDC On Reducing Black Maternal Mortality 

Southern Baptist Convention Resolution on Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Southern Baptist Convention Resolution on Sufficiency of Scripture for Race and Racial Reconcilation

In 1838 Free Blacks Demand Reinstatement of Voting Rights Taken Away in 1837

Supporting Black Owned Businesses

Online Resources to Help Kids Learn From Home

Black Wealth University

Enslaved Historical Database

Federal Sentencing Disparity: 2005–2012

Officers shot in Louisville KY Protests over Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Finding

Impact of Urban Renewal on Injustice

US Civil War and the “Lost Cause”:

       How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history

      Myths About Confederate Monuments

     Confronting Slavery and Revealing the “Lost Cause”

Black Economic Development Conference Black Manifesto of 1969

Church/Religion and Reparations

Alabama Pastor Resigns After Attending A Confederate General Birthday Celebration

Texarkana Gazette Article on City Seeking Firefighters Diversity

New York Times 1619 Project on Slavery in the Americas including the Pulitzer Center Curriculum and Hollywood Production is Different From Project 1619 On Slavery in the Americas

Nick Cannon’s Class With Professor Griff – YouTube

How did Minn. become one of the most racially inequitable states?

MLK Lecture observing law and morality at Western Michigan University

Martin Luther King Jr Speech on July 4, 1965

Frederick Douglas Speech at Rochester Concerning Independence Day, Etc.

Frederick Douglas and Beyond

Audio/Video of MLK Jr. Sermons/Speeches

Universal Basic Income

Not being racist isn’t enough in America

Candace Owens on George Floyd as Not Her Black Martyr

With Floyd death, feel-good Minneapolis forced to soul-search

Former President Obama on Protest and Riot

Minneapolis Public Safety Commissioner is Black as is its Police Chief

Minneapolis police chief faces new test after George Floyd death

We Must All Talk About White Privilege

Independent autopsy requested for George Floyd

Massive eruption,’ like Minneapolis protests, is what drives change: Experts

 Criminal Charges in George Floyd’s Death Set Up Legal Battle

US Supreme Court Rules Criminal Verdict Must Be Unanimous to Convict of Serious Crime

Racial Toll of Virus Grows Even Starker as More Data Emerges

Share My Lesson

Wide Open Education

Economic Justice Gor All Funding Cohort

The Return: Prayer, Repentance, and Revival Gathering in Washington DC September 26, 2020

White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing March 27, 2020 – At about the 11:30 point in the video President Trump said he had signed the $2.2 Trillion bill and it could go up to $6.2 trillion if need be.

IRS COVID-19 Info 

NBC News on Congress’s COVID-19 Bill

Arkansas Judge Offers Mental Health Help In Place of Bond

Bowie County Texas 2020 Racial Profiling Report   PDF of Report Also Here

Georgia Number 1 State for
Black Entrepreneurs

Honoring a legacy | TISD luminary George Moore inducted into Hall of Fame

Mississippi seeks abortion ban for race, sex, genetic error

Court Considers Whether Men-Only Draft Is Constitutional

US Supreme Court Hears Shreveport Louisiana Based Abortion Clinic Case in March 2020

Interesting External Articles

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