Sabbath functions should aide not detract from the standard at most six days of work God makes available to humans on a regular basis. For as the scripture says if a man is going to eat, he ought to work (2 Thessalonians 3:10-11). Indeed, in the beginning God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and put him to work to dress and keep it (Genesis 2:8, 15). Other scriptures that speak to the value and importance of work are 1 Timothy 5:8; and Proverbs 13:4; Proverbs 20:4; Proverbs 21:25; and Proverbs 24:30-40. Placing emphasis on the Sabbath is not intended to detract from natural work for it is needed and important.
I believe that the early church leaders at least as far back as the 4th century AD believed the Friday to Saturday formula aligned with the biblical Sabbath. Therefore, I hold my Sabbath functions according to that formula.
However, I do understand that it is reasonable to conclude that Colossians 2:14-17 gives a person and group of persons the authority to hold sabbath functions of holy convocation and rest during another time period such as Sundays.
So my position is Sunday is better than not at all if you conduct your sabbath functions on Sundays either primarily or addition to or combination with Saturdays. Indeed, even though I hold that Saturday is best, biblically speaking, at times I also in addition to Saturdays participate in sabbath functions on Sundays.
The Pause meetings are held on what I consider the biblical Sabbath that runs from Fridays at sunset until Saturday right before sunset. Of course, this may be different wall clock times depending on the time zone in which one resides and the season of the year.
As time and circumstances permit, I hold two holy convocations. One on Friday evenings at 7:30 PM CST and one on Saturdays at 12 Noon CST. The Friday evening one is done over Zoom so as to open my meeting to any who desires to hold their pause meeting coincident with others, however often, though they may not desire to do so each week.
The Saturday one is also currently done over Zoom as an open meeting for any who desires to attend on a given Saturday. The Saturday one may from time to time be held in a physical building such as a church as conditions warrant. Of course, there may be times when I am unable to have an open meeting at the scheduled time. In such instances I will try to post information on the primary virtual meeting info page of my site and/or otherwise issue an announcement.
The Pause meetings concept is designed to encourage the head of the household and the household in general to recognize the value of the sabbath for rest throughout the sabbath period and the value of each member of the household participating in at least one holy convocation during the sabbath period. This includes each household participating in a holy convocation on Friday evening and/or at some point during Saturday daylight. Normally, this would involve a holy convocation at home on Friday evenings; however, there may be times when the holy convocation is held outside the home with others. Saturdays may involve a holy convocation at home or outside the home with others during the daylight. The outside the home involvement may be over technology like Zoom or physically in a building such as a church.
It is my belief that according to the word, will, way, wisdom, and work of God the head of the household is best positioned to have primary responsibility to guide the household in honoring the spirit of the sabbath law though not necessarily in the oldness of the letter (2 Corinthians 3:6; Romans 7:6) in worshipping God. This includes the dual functions of holy convocation one or more times during the weekly sabbath time period. The holy convocation should begin in-home and ideally proceed to the extent practical at least occasionally outside the home with others at least on Saturdays in the daylight.