The Bible indicates but does not explicitly require a specific church organization. It does prescribe some essential elements of that organization. This includes the principles of male headship and a variety of essential spiritual gifts, functions, and positions.
Church leadership consists of a variety of persons and functions. Example functions are listed in Eph 4:11. A particular regional or local church may have a Senior Minister. The Senior Minister does not lord his role over other ministers. His main role is to provide overall direction for the ministry and to serve as the primary point of contact regarding entities external to the regional/local church/ministry with respect to major matters. He is not intended to be the one who does all the preaching or teaching or even most of it as these duties should be shared among the other ministers.
All public preaching, teaching, and prayer presented as authoritative or perceivable as such should be in compliance with biblical principles. This includes but is not limited to such activities over media to include radio, television, DVDs, Internet, books, magazines.
There are no perfect churches outside of the blood of Jesus Christ. Yet, adults have a responsibility to ensure they are affiliated with a church committed to and honestly pressing toward doctrinal soundness even if not yet there. Parents have that responsibility to so lead their non-adult children into affiliation with such a church. Such an affiliation may be to an assembly/congregation in a home, park, or some other private/public area not necessarily in a building set aside as a church.
To God Be the Glory!