A Note On Hanukkah

Interesting article at the link below!

John 10:22-23 says:

(22) And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. (23) And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.

The author says the feast of dedication mentioned in John 10:22 refers to what is called Hanukkah.

Hanukkah is a Jewish Holiday that apparently began during the intertestimental period (between Old and New Testaments). It celebrates a victory in restoring Jewish control and cleansing of the Temple from enemy hands.

Hanukkah is not a Christian Holiday. It is also not one of the feasts/festivals specified in the Mosaic Law. Even the Jews understand it is righteous to have holidays other than those specified in the law of Moses.

John 10:22 is translated from Greek where the Greek word for dedication is tegkainia. Apparently, if John had been written in and translated from Hebrew the Hebrew word would be Hanukkah.

Apparently the Jews have passed the celebration down using the Hebrew name Hanukkah.

It is also interesting that in modern times it runs from December 22 to December 30 which covers the Christmas celebration. Hanukkah celebrates the saving of the natural temple. Christmas celebrates the birth of the saviour of the spiritual temple of those who dedicate themselves to Christ.

Message of Hanukkah


Feast of Dedication


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